Soda Pop Smile

It’s a well-known fact that sugary drinks like sodas and juices may lead to cavities and decay. While this may put a damper on some fizzy-fare fanatics’ dining experience, a solution may be on the horizon.

Arizona dentist, Tung Bui and University of Arizona dental student, Alex Deo have developed a recipe for a dental health alternative to traditional sodas. The all-natural soft drink will be fizzy and taste like citrus, and use only natural sweeteners. The beverage will also include xylitol which has been shown to fight caries. The drink does not contain calories and will be called Kurij.

The soda was recently taste tested in an Arizona restaurant and had good reviews. Some of the drink testers thought it would also make a good mixer for cocktails.

The Kurij creators hope to sell their soda in local grocery stores and dental offices.


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