Dental Implants for Michigan’s Unhappy Denture Wearers!

Dentures have long been the only option to replace missing teeth. There are several procedures these days involving <a href="” title=”<a href="”>dental implants” target=”_self”><a href="”>dental implants that make choosing them a much more attractive option.

For people who have just one tooth missing, a single dental implant is an ideal option to replace it. Not only does an implant look and function like a natural tooth, it also does not compromise the health of the teeth around it. By choosing a dental implant over a bridge, the patient has a better chance at preserving the bone structure and gums around the tooth. Often, gums can recede around a bridge, creating both aesthetic and health problems.

If someone has lost all or nearly all of their teeth, implants are still a desirable option. Dentures are often ill-fitting and can become loose or slippery. Implants on the other hand, are a natural and permanent way to replace these missing teeth.

<img src="<a href="”>dental implants detroit-resized-600.jpg” border=”0″ alt=”<a href="”>dental implants detroit resized 600″ class=”alignLeft” style=”float: left;” />All-on-4 is a procedure that was designed specifically for people who would otherwise need dentures. Some of the more popular complaints about dentures are that they are uncomfortable, cause aching jaws, mouth sores, and chewing problems. Using All-on-4, an entire arch of teeth can be replaced with just four implants and a set of permanent teeth. This provides a comfortable and stable alternative to wearing dentures.

The Detroit dental implant experts at our office would be happy to speak with you about everything from a single dental implant procedure to All-on-4. Give us a call at 248-357-3100 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            248-357-3100      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or find us on the web at to get all of your dental implant questions answered today!

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